Friday May 06, 2022
Workout 93 - RowErg - Rest Assured
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Workout 93: (Continuous with short bursts of power) Get ready to row non-stop for thirty minutes! We will build stamina and test our strength through consistent rowing...sprinkled with spicy bursts of power.
I would love to hear your feedback! Send in an email or voice recording to info@concept2.com and share your experience!
Total Workout Time: 30 minutes
Programming starts at [3.50]
Monitor set up: 7.5 minute intervals without rest.
Interval 1 (warm up):
Steady 22 with bursts of power
Interval 2:
Switching back and forth from 24 to 22 (4x)
Interval 3:
Switching back and forth from 24 to 22 (4x)
Interval 4:
Switching back and forth from 24 to 22 (4x).
Add a burst (or two) of 26 if you're feeling extra spicy.
Want to Learn or Practice the Basics of Rowing on the Concept2 RowErg?
Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to info@concept2.com (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). You can also complete our survey here.
Please read the following before participating.
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Let’s Move Long and Strong
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Happy Spring and welcome back to ATFS!
We’ve curated a dynamic playlist that tests your stamina in preparation for the Concept2 Marathon Challenge [May 1-15].
Five workouts are linked below. Feel free to do them in order or mix them up on your own workout schedule. There's also a BikeErg workout to keep your legs moving and heart pumping.
Bike bonus: Workout 85 - BikeErg - Three Peak
To participate in the Marathon Challenge:
Create a Logbook account: https://log.concept2.com/
Grab total meters from each workout: https://www.concept2.com/service/monitors/pm5/how-to-use/viewing-workouts-memory
Enter your meters manually each workout:
Once you are logged into your Logbook account, you can fill out the "Add Workout" section to add your meters from today's workout.
If you have ErgData linked to your Logbook account, syncing your meters will enter you in the challenge as well: https://www.concept2.com/service/software/ergdata
Because the Concept2 Marathon Challenge is an Individual Challenge, having a Logbook account and recording meters puts you into the challenge automatically. All we need to do to complete the challenge is to collect those meters! (note: BikeErg meters will be cut in half to count towards the challenge - they just accumulate too easily!)
Listen to Coach Cady introduce the challenge and playlist.
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Workout 92 - RowErg - Free Energy
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Workout 92: (Medium Steady State Intervals) How fun is it to unlock all the little places our energy likes to hide out, especially when it doesn't feel like we have to work harder to do it! Is faster better? Many times it's not, but sometimes it actually is.
Holding our stroke rate steady is definitely an elementary skill to practice and therefore this workout provides a great building block for a beginner rower. That being said, I would challenge any mid level to advanced rower to play with this workout and joyfully recognize the positive subtleties in the practice as well. I know I was pleasantly surprised.
I would love to hear your feedback! Send in an email or voice recording to info@concept2.com and share your experience!
Total Workout Time: 40 Minutes
Programming Starts at [2:07]
Monitor Set Up: 6 Minute Intervals with 2 Minutes Rest
Interval 1:
Stroke Rate 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20
Interval 2:
Stroke Rate 20 - 24 - 20 - 20 - 24 - 20
Interval 3:
Stroke Rate 20 - 24 - 28 - 20 - 24 - 20
Interval 4:
Stroke Rate 20 - 24 - 20 - 20 - 24 - 28
Interval 5:
Stroke Rate 20 - 24 - 28 - 20 - 24 - 28
Want to Learn or Practice the Basics of Rowing on the Concept2 RowErg?
Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to info@concept2.com (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). You can also complete our survey here.
Please read the following before participating.
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Workout 91 - RowErg - Tip the Scale
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Workout 91: (Moderate Length Building Intensity Intervals) From fixed tempo, to full tilt. We take a consumable amount of calories and stack them up at the front end to find moments of recovery.
Total Time: 30 Minutes
Program Set: 1 Minute Intervals/No REST X 30
Warm Up (First 6 Minutes)
Pick Drill starting at the finish
Building in Power
One Minute Calorie Count
Workout (24 Minutes)
4 Opportunities...
Minute 1: SET a number of Calories in 1 Minute
Minute 2: Reach SET number of Calories in less time / use remainder of minute to Rest
Minute 3: Reach SET number of Calories in less time / use remainder of minute to Rest
Minute 4: Reach SET number of Calories in less time / use remainder of minute to Rest
Minute 5: Reach SET number of Calories in less time / use remainder of minute to Rest
Minute 6: REST
Want to Learn or Practice the Basics of Rowing on the Concept2 RowErg?
Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to info@concept2.com (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). You can also complete our survey here.
Please read the following before participating.
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Workout 90 - RowErg - Drive Fast, Take Chances
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Workout 90 (Long Moderate Intensity Intervals sprinkled with Short High Intensity Bursts) To pick up the power is to pick up your speed through the Drive. While the steadiness of the Recovery anchors our confidence, it also allows us to find the courage to meet and break through boundaries and redefine our edges of comfort.
Total Time Commitment: 40 Minutes
Total Workout Time: 40 Minutes
Programming begins at: [2:44]
3 X 12 Minute Intervals with 2 Minutes Rest
Warm Up:
4 Minutes @22 Easy Build
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 45 Seconds @24 / 15 Seconds Easy @22
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 30 Seconds @26 / 30 Seconds Easy @22
Rest 2 Minutes
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 20 Seconds @26 / 40 Seconds Moderate @24
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 15 Seconds @28 / 45 Seconds Moderate @24
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 10 Seconds @30 / 50 Seconds Moderate @24
Rest 2 Minutes
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 20 Seconds @26 / 40 Seconds Moderate @24
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 15 Seconds @28 / 45 Seconds Moderate @24
4 X 1 Minute Intervals of 10 Seconds @30 / 50 Seconds Moderate @24
Want to Learn or Practice the Basics of Rowing on the Concept2 RowErg?
Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to info@concept2.com (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). You can also complete our survey here.
Please read the following before participating.
Version: 20241125